OBA News

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October 2018

  • October 22, 2018

    Second-quarter small-business lending remains solid

    The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City recently released the results from the Second Quarter 2018 national Small Business Lending Survey. The quarterly survey of U.S. banks provides data on lending activity and terms for small businesses, a critical source of employment and economic growth for the country. Key findings include: Outstanding commercial and industrial (C&I) loan balances grew for …

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  • October 17, 2018

    Bankers invited to Mix & Mingles with OSCPA

    Want to get to know other young banking and finance professionals in your area? Grab a seat with us Nov. 1 and enjoy drinks and networking hosted by the OBA Emerging Leaders in partnership with the OSCPA’s Young Accounting Professionals Committee. These Mix & Mingles are 5-7 p.m., come and go. The November Mix & Mingle will provide a unique …

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  • October 11, 2018

    Beverage, Thompson testify on banking hurdles with medical marijuana

    OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage, along with Oklahoma State Commissioner Mick Thompson, testified on Oct. 10 before the Medical Marijuana Working Group, made up of state lawmakers in the both the House and Senate. Beverage and Thompson discussed the difficulties facing Oklahoma banks in dealing with the burgeoning medical marijuana industry in the state. You can read the NewsOK …

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  • October 2, 2018

    OBA Technology seminar canceled

    The OBA Technology seminar, scheduled for Oct. 25, has been canceled. Full refunds will be given to those who have already registered. We apologize for any inconvenience. Contact the OBA education department if you need more information.

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September 2018

  • September 27, 2018

    2018 Washington Visit app available for download

    The iPhone app for the 2018 OBA Washington Visit is now available for download. You can download the OBA app, which provides location and times and other information for the event, by clicking here (for iTunes) or here (for Google Play). If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Cowen at the OBA.

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Jeremy Cowen

Jeremy Cowen, Senior Vice President/Communications

Email: jeremy@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 113

Jeremy has been in charge of the Oklahoma Banker newspaper as well as the OBA website and other member communications since joining the OBA in January 2002. A native of Hartshorne and a 1997 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, he enjoys meeting and talking with the different people he encounters while doing his job. Previously, Jeremy worked as a sports writer in Lawton and, for the four years prior to joining the OBA, Lubbock, Texas, where he decided the town wasn’t big enough for both him and Bobby Knight. When not working, Jeremy loves to hike, read, watch football, baseball and boxing and teach journalism to high school and college students. And, if you ask, there’s a good chance he will regale you with the story about being interviewed on ESPN by Chris Fowler.