Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fraud Prevention

Phishing. Nigerian letters. Online auction scams. Identity theft. And let's not forget good old-fashioned counterfeit checks.

Fraud is the fastest-growing crime in America. Oklahoma bankers are fighting back with some outside-the-box anti-fraud tactics that have proven results. We were the first bankers association in the nation to start its own fraud training and investigation department, and we've saved hundreds of individuals from losses.

Our multi-pronged anti-fraud effort is detailed below. We are also interested in soliciting your suggestions to ensure that we are providing the services as they best meet your individual needs.


Keep customers alert about cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency transactions are difficult to detect. Don’t let your customers fall into the trap.

Bankers, help your customers be aware of common scam methods, so they can protect themselves. Download this poster provided by the U.S. Secret Service, and post it in your bank today!

Rayleen Pirnie articles

Rayleen M. Pirnie, CEO of RP Payments Risk Consulting Services, regularly writes articles for the Oklahoma Banker newspaper. Coinciding with her articles there, she includes additional customer-oriented companion pieces that banks can use with their customers. You may download those companion pieces below.

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More from OBA Fraud Prevention

Investigative Tools

Our seasoned investigators can help you to utilize Fraud-Net for detection of current ongoing frauds involving use of counterfeit checks, identity theft and new account fraud.

Utilizing and building on connections with law enforcement entities and prosecutors statewide will aid in the detection, deterrence and apprehension of violators. This, in tandem with our education programs should decrease your chances of being victimized.

Educational Tools

Education is our proactive component to help you become more aware of existing scams and trends. We’ll also help your employees learn to listen to those verbal and nonverbal cues that can make the difference between being scammed and dodging a financial bullet.

Training for frontline employees and customers

We will share success stories that help your employees and customers become empowered and more resistant to the increasing number of scams. We target subjects that are of most interest to you in your area. Topics can include identity theft, counterfeit checks, new account fraud and current scams. We will address your bank’s role upon discovery of an ID theft. You will learn what suspicious acts should be reported and to whom.

Efforts are underway to facilitate communications between law enforcement, prosecutors and banks regarding fraud. This will be accomplished through separate and combined training sessions of all these individuals.

No Hats, No Hoods, No Sunglasses

This program is a preventive measure that has been successful in other states. Many banks in Oklahoma are utilizing this program with great success. We can share the project and ideas for implementation.

Products and Services

Your bank may also be interested in our counterfeit detector ultraviolet lights, available at a minimal cost. We also offer brochures, lobby signs and statement stuffers to warn your customers about the dangers of identity theft. Visit the Products and Services Section for more information.

Sharon Lewis

Sharon Lewis, Vice President/Fraud Division

Email:      |      Phone: Ext. 101

Sharon Lewis joined the OBA in 2024.

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