OBA News

The Latest

November 2022

  • November 23, 2022

    Happy Thanksgiving from the OBA staff!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving from our staff to yours, from all our families to yours! The OBA offices will be closed starting Wednesday afternoon through Friday for the holiday. We will reopen at our regular time on Nov. 28. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

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  • November 21, 2022

    State Banking Board approves 50% reduction in 2023 assessments

    The Oklahoma State Banking Board voted unanimously at its November meeting to reduce the assessments paid by Oklahoma state-chartered banks. The 2023 assessment rate was discounted 50% for each bank with assets less than $1 billion and 25% for each bank with assets more than $1 billion. During the meeting held Nov. 16, State Banking Commissioner Mick Thompson explained how …

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  • November 17, 2022

    Gruenberg nominated to head FDIC again

    President Joe Biden announced his intent this week to nominate Martin Gruenberg to serve as chair and member of the board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Gruenberg is currently acting chairman and member of the board of directors of the FDIC. He joined the FDIC Board of Directors in August 2005 and has served as vice chairman, …

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  • November 14, 2022

    CFPB issues bulletin charting consumer cryptoasset complaints

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a new bulletin last week highlighting complaints the agency has received related to cryptoassets. Consumers most commonly reported being victimized by fraud, theft, account hacks and scams. Consumers also had issues with executing transactions and transferring assets between exchanges, while others had issues accessing account funds due to platform failures, identity verification issues, security …

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  • November 10, 2022

    OBA golf tournament canceled

    First rain, now snow. Due to the weather, the OBA Oktoberfest Golf Tournament scheduled for Nov. 14 has been CANCELED. Your registration fees will be refunded. Save the date: Please plan to play in the OBA spring golf tournament on Monday, May 8 at Belmar Golf Club in Norman. This event is held in conjunction with the 2023 OBA Convention.

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Jeremy Cowen

Jeremy Cowen, Senior Vice President/Communications

Email: jeremy@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 113

Jeremy has been in charge of the Oklahoma Banker newspaper as well as the OBA website and other member communications since joining the OBA in January 2002. A native of Hartshorne and a 1997 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, he enjoys meeting and talking with the different people he encounters while doing his job. Previously, Jeremy worked as a sports writer in Lawton and, for the four years prior to joining the OBA, Lubbock, Texas, where he decided the town wasn’t big enough for both him and Bobby Knight. When not working, Jeremy loves to hike, read, watch football, baseball and boxing and teach journalism to high school and college students. And, if you ask, there’s a good chance he will regale you with the story about being interviewed on ESPN by Chris Fowler.