Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Week of Oct. 16

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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I read where the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia suggested during a speech on Monday that interest rates should be held at their current level. His reasoning was because conditions in the economic world are working themselves out a bit better than expected since the late rate rise in July.

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It seems  the news of the world continues to be grim, and doomscrolling on a phone has become a real thing. It made me feel thankful for the security in this country, overall, and in our banking system, specifically. It also hearkened me back to the “Banks Are Safe” PSAs created in our communications department last year. I think with all that is happening the world, they still carry an important message for our banks to their customers. Contact Jeremy in our communications department for a free, customized download for your bank.

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Don’t forget about our Oktoberfest Golf Tournament, scheduled for Monday! You can get more information below in this Update, but I personally hope to see as many of my banker friends out there as possible!

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Another weekend, another not-a-loss from my Nebraska Cornhuskers. OK, sure, it was a bye week, but I’m fairly positive “bye” was favored by a field goal. Still, no damage done.

The drive for a bowl game starts this weekend against Northwestern – there’s still room on the bandwagon!

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Organizations recommend study into proposed capital requirements

The American Bankers Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other associations recently requested the Federal Reserve, FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency should conduct a public study into the costs of their proposed capital requirements and re-propose the rule after the study’s results are released.

In a letter sent late last week, the groups said that short of a re-proposal, the agencies should extend the comment period on the proposal to 120 days after the study’s release. The proposed rule would implement the “Basel III endgame” by putting in place stricter capital standards for banks with more than $100 billion in assets.

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Publicize your promotions, hires!

The OBA runs a monthly “Oklahoma Bankers” feature in its newspaper where promotions and hires from member banks are highlighted. While the submissions seem to come in giant clumps during parts of year, forcing some to be pushed back a couple or even three months to be published, we appear to be between said “giant clumps.” Now is the time to get to the front of the queue to get your bank’s employees featured!

Simply said a short write-up of the hire and/or promotion, along with a head-and-shoulders photo to Jeremy in our communications department!

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OBA schedules Oktoberfest Golf Tournament

Show off your golfing skills or simply join your banking peers as a social registrant at the 2023 OBA Oktoberfest Golf Tournament on Monday at River Oaks Golf Club in Edmond.

The tournament fee is $150 and the registration deadline is Oct. 20. The tournament will begin with registration and lunch. Immediately following the tournament, we will hold an awards ceremony. Sign up now to reserve your spot. We hope to see you on the course!

Not golfing? Join your banking peers as a social attendee for lunch, refreshments and fellowship on the patio. Social attendee registration fee is $50.

Click here to access the registration form. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact Thi Pham.

Tournament Schedule
10 a.m. — Registration
11 a.m. — Lunch
12 p.m. — Shotgun Start
Immediately Following Golf — Awards

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OBA education corner …

We’re halfway through the college football season, and it feels as if it just began. Except for the fact, you know, it’s 30-something degrees outside the last two mornings as opposed to triple-digit heat back in late August and early September. Still, I think you get the point. Enjoy the pigskin while you can because there’s only a few short weeks left. While you’re reveling in football, take the time to prepare for upcoming continuing education opportunities available through the OBA:

  • ACH for Lenders and Cash Managers, Oct. 17, webinar — If ACH is a product that you are selling, or want to sell, and ACH is new to you, you’ll want to join us for this webinar.
  • CRE Lending: Cash Flow Analysis & Cap Rates, Oct. 23, webinar — We’ll learn that CRE cash flow involves more than earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) for a debt service coverage (DSC), and that we should be using the updated cash flow to help update the underlying collateral value as part of ongoing loan monitoring.
  • Opening Accounts for Non-Resident Aliens, Oct. 24, webinar — Since the USA PATRIOT Act, Customer Identification Program (CIP) law passed, opening these accounts and covering the required documentation and identification bases makes dealing with these accounts more challenging than ever.
  • Workplace Violence: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You, Oct. 25, webinar — We will discuss violence prevention, red flags, counseling and defusing, handling disciplinary actions and terminations, and policies and procedures for prevention and response.
  • Dealing With Insiders: Regulations O and W, Oct. 26, webinar — In this webinar, we’ll detail the many requirements of Regs. O and W and provide tips to assure effective compliance management practices.
  • Women In Banking Luncheon, Oct. 27, Oklahoma City — (NOTE: This event is currently full, but contact the OBA’s education department to be added to the wait list in case there are cancellations.) Gather with your fellow women bankers and listen to the OBA’s Elaine Dodd. As Elaine approaches retirement, take advantage of this opportunity to hear her insights and perspectives. She will provide helpful fraud and security updates along with some tips for personal security.
  • Leading An Exceptional Team, Oct. 27, webinar — Leading an exceptional team is every manager’s goal, right? Unless the manager is burned out, burned up or not well prepared.
  • HMDA Essentials, Oct. 31, webinar — Now with a key exemption being revoked by the CFPB in December of 2022, knowing what to do and how to do it has never been more important.
  • 2023 IRA Basic and Advanced Issues, Basics: Nov. 6-Oklahoma City, Nov. 8-Tulsa; Advanced: Nov. 7-Oklahoma City; Nov. 9-Tulsa(NOTE: The Oklahoma City ones are full, but there is plenty of room in the Tulsa events.) Thanks to a flurry of legislative and regulatory developments, IRA providers nationwide are fighting uphill battles as they strive to comply with numerous recent changes to the laws governing IRAs.
  • 2023 OBA Operations School, Nov. 13-17, Oklahoma City — This school is designed to prepare junior-level officers to mid-level operations managers to manage effectively and efficiently an operations function within a bank. Students are exposed to numerous concepts that impact your bank’s bottom line.

Finally, just a quick note to also mark your calendars since the OBA Convention and OBA Senior Management dates and location have already been set for next year! The 2024 OBA Convention will be held May 13-15 at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City. Meanwhile, the 2024 OBA Senior Management Conference will be held on April 7-9 at the Waldorf Astoria in Las Vegas. More details will be available in the coming months, but go ahead and get those notes on your calendar today!

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