Monday, October 21, 2024

Week of Sept. 11

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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Gov. Stitt is calling for a special session to consider proposals for our tax system and budget process. The special session will convene on Oct. 3.

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Reading in the Business Insider on Monday, we came across a story that said the commercial real estate market downturn could end up costing U.S. banks as much as $250 billion. The info comes from the founder of Hayman Capital Management, who said work-from-home trends continue to hurt the office space market.

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My Nebraska Cornhuskers football team ran into the Prime Time express this past weekend. Hey, bumps and bruises always happen on the fight to the top. The real turnaround begins this week, and ends in a major bowl at the end of the year … as long as our quarterback doesn’t continue dropping the football.

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Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency meeting set for Sept. 20

The Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency will hold its next meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 20, in Room 450 at the State Capitol.

LOFT is a state agency in the legislative branch that assists the Oklahoma House and Senate. LOFT provides budgetary recommendations to the LOFT Oversight Committee for use in setting the funding of state government, higher education, and public schools.

The agency recently released its evaluation on the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency. You can read the executive summary here.

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Bank Performance Report now available through OBA

The OBA has entered a co-branding agreement with Kentucky Bankers Association for a quarterly banking publication called Bank Performance Report.

BPR currently has 350 bank subscribers from across the country. This report is in electronic and/or printed format utilizing data from the quarterly FFIEC Call Reports, from which the BPR ranks overall performance of each bank headquartered in that state. The overall performance ranking is based on each bank’s average ranking across eight different performance categories – net interest, non-interest income, non-interest expense, efficiency, NPAs/equity and reserve, asset quality index, return on assets and return on equity.

The BPR has been a proven strategic planning tool for the last 20 years serving multiple uses, including:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Board Reporting
  • Measurement for Performance Incentives
  • Competition Analysis
  • Trends in the Market

For more information on the BPR, or to subscribe, click here.

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Applications still being taken for OBA Emerging Leaders Academy – deadline Friday!

Take note the OBA 2023-24 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications with the at the end of this work week.

We’re looking for the best and brightest bankers who seek to sharpen their leadership skills. The Academy will help you reach new heights with powerful speakers offering information leaders need for effectively maneuvering in today’s business climate. Each session helps participants become true leaders by understanding those around you through non-traditional methods.

The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy (maximum 30 bankers). Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program.

There are six sessions to the Academy: Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 26, Feb. 28, March 28, April 26. Graduation will take place in May 2024 at the OBA Annual Convention.

Click here to apply! Also, for more information, please contact Megan McGuire at (405) 424-5252 or

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OBA schedules Oktoberfest Golf Tournament

Show off your golfing skills or simply join your banking peers as a social registrant at the 2023 OBA Oktoberfest Golf Tournament on Oct. 23 at River Oaks Golf Club in Edmond.

The tournament fee is $150 and the registration deadline is Oct. 20. The tournament will begin with registration and lunch. Immediately following the tournament, we will hold an awards ceremony. Sign up now to reserve your spot. We hope to see you on the course!

Not golfing? Join your banking peers as a social attendee for lunch, refreshments and fellowship on the patio. Social attendee registration fee is $50.

Click here to access the registration form. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact Thi Pham.

Tournament Schedule
10 a.m. — Registration
11 a.m. — Lunch
12 p.m. — Shotgun Start
Immediately Following Golf — Awards

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OBA education corner …

Cooler weather has arrived! The gray skies, though, makes us think a bit of two singer/songwriters we recently lost who weren’t afraid to talk about beautiful weather, from their own interesting viewpoints. While we hope this spurs you to dig deeper into both these artists’ catalogs, do take the time to prepare for upcoming continuing education opportunities available through the OBA:

  • Digital Banking Issues – What Are The Compliance Requirements?, Sept. 19, webinar — We are seeing a rapid shift in the way financial institutions interact with their customers and conduct business to a more remote, online delivery model. Not that these capabilities haven’t always been present, but ever since the pandemic, much more business is conducted remotely, and this is a trend we can expect to continue. What are the requirements to keep in mind when conducting business in this fashion?
  • Avoiding Check Fraud Liability: From Prevention To Loss Allocation, Sept. 19, webinar — This webinar provides attendees with tips to avoid check fraud losses, as well as an overview of the laws that apply to loss allocation when check fraud occurs.
  • 2023 FORVIS/OBA Symposium, Sept. 21, Oklahoma City — The objective of this symposium is to provide an update on the merger and acquisition landscape, economic outlook, regulatory update, judicial decisions and fraud events.
  • Legal Essentials: What Every Lender Needs To Know, Sept. 22, webinar — This program covers important legal issues and concepts which must be understood and consistently applied to avoid litigation and better serve customers.
  • Loan Documentation 101: The Basic Secured Loan Package, Sept. 25, webinar — Learn about basic loan documentation principles and practices under Revised Article 9 for collateral.
  • Loan Documentation 101: Securing Loans With Business Collateral, Sept. 26, webinar — Learn about specific classifications of collateral and language description requirements for UCC-1s and security agreements.
  • TRID: All About Construction Loans, Sept. 26, webinar — This webinar will walk you through the ins and outs of completing the loan estimate and closing disclosure for construction loans, in plain English.
  • Understanding Commercial Real Estate Loan Documents, Sept. 27, webinar — Gain an understanding of all sections of required real estate loan documents.
  • Cybersecurity Seminar, Sept. 28, Oklahoma City — This seminar will walk you through various FFIEC, FDIC, and OCC resources, as well as other industry best practices.
  • Handling Deceased Accounts, Sept. 28, webinar — Your account holder passed away and the family is grieving. Yet, in the midst of all the grieving and honoring of a life, the legal and compliance clock is ticking. In most states, checks can be paid for 10 days after the date of death.
  • Advanced BSA/AML/CFT Update, Oct. 25-Tulsa; Oct. 26-Oklahoma City — This program provides current trends and tools for today’s BSA officers and BSA team members. It also assists financial institutions in meeting the annual training requirements by the BSA regulations.

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