Monday, October 21, 2024

Week of Aug. 21

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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Bi-partisan supports seems to be growing for the ACRE Act.

ACRE – Access to Credit for our Rural Economy – would give community banks the same tax-exempt status on certain earned interest that applies to farm credit institutions, allowing farm real estate borrowers and rural homeowners access to lower interest rates. The exemption would also apply to single-family home mortgage loans in rural communities with fewer than 2,500 residents and for mortgages less than $750,000.

It was recently reported nearly two dozen lawmakers from BOTH political parties have signed on as cosponsors for the legislation.

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We mentioned it in a Banker Direct on Monday, but the short time span made me think I’d re-mention it in this space: The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma will host a free program on Wednesday about how bankers can navigate the emissions reporting conversation with their oil and gas customers.

The Alliance felt a presentation to bank lenders trying to figure out how to decipher the emissions reporting conversations with oil and gas customers would be beneficial to both parties. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday at The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma at 500 N.E. 4th St., in Oklahoma City. Those interested in attending this free program can RSVP to me (

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FDIC publishes 2023 Risk Review

The FDIC last week published its 2023 Risk Review. The report summarizes conditions in the U.S. economy, financial markets and banking industry.

The 2023 Risk Review provides a comprehensive summary of key developments and risks in the U.S. banking system, as in prior reports, and includes a new section focused on crypto-asset risk. The report focuses on the effects of key risks on community banks in particular, as the FDIC is the primary federal regulator for the majority of community banks in the U.S. banking system.

The FDIC’s Risk Review is an annual publication and based on year-end banking data from the prior year. This year’s expanded report incorporates data and insights related to the recent stress to the banking sector through first quarter 2023. FDIC intends to publish its next Risk Review in the spring of 2024

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OBA Washington Visit ready for you to register!

The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 24-26 and the deadline to register is approaching soon!

We challenge you to join the “Race to 100.” We’re striving for 100 bankers in D.C. for the 2023 OBA Washington Visit. We are still finalizing the exact times but know we will meet with the following: ABA, Federal Reserve, FinCEN, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, FDIC, OCC, Treasury and the Oklahoma delegation. Additionally, Congresswoman Stephanie Bice will lead the group on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Capitol to conclude the visit.

Registration information should be hitting your bank shortly, but you can also download the registration and information form, and get more info on the hotel, by clicking here (.pdf). Click here to access the hotel reservation link. Deadline for registration cannot be received any later than Sept. 11.

If you have any questions, contact Megan McGuire at the OBA

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Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame accepting nominations – deadline approaching!

The Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame is now accepting nominations for the upcoming 2023 class – the deadline is the end of this month!

First, for those interested in nominating a banker, here are some downloadable forms linked below – please return all nominations to Adrian Beverage (

Second, as mentioned, there is a new process for selecting the inductees to each class. After discussion with leadership at the Oklahoma Hall of Fame about its processes, and learning about other methods from other organizations, the induction procedure for the Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame has been updated.

After all nominations have been received by OBA President and CEO Adrian Beverage, he will forward those nominees to the OBA chair (currently, Bryan Cain), who will convene a committee of 11 individuals in September to select the inductees. These 11 individuals will be made up of the OBA’s Executive Committee, who will join a banker selected by the OBA chair from each of the OBA’s six geographical groups, as well as a member of the OBA Emerging Leaders Division. The specific committee members will be completely anonymous to everyone outside of the current OBA chair.

These committee members will select the final inductees from the group of nominees given. They will also discuss any possible posthumous inductees who may have not been nominated.

Once the inductees have been selected, the OBA chair will inform Beverage and notification and preparations will be made by the OBA staff for the induction ceremony, which will be held this year on Dec. 7 at the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City.

Following the 2023 selections, the current selection committee will disband and a new committee will be picked the following year by the next OBA chair. Aside from the OBA chair and executive committee, the selection committee will remain anonymous with only the other committee members from that specific year knowing their identities.

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OBA education corner …

You know what starts this weekend? College football! Well, kinda. Depends on if Navy vs. Notre Dame in Ireland tickles your fancy. You know what, it’s still a pigskin-adjacent substance that will be appearing on our TV screens, so it’s time to rejoice! While we rejoice, take the time we saved to prepare for upcoming continuing education opportunities available through the OBA:

  • What To Do When Your Customer Dies, Aug. 29, webinar — This webinar focuses on the deposit and loan issues that arise when a customer dies.
  • Posting With Confidence: Social Media Compliance, Aug. 30, webinar — Social media posts are a great way to communicate with existing customers and gain new ones as well, but what can we post? What disclosures must be provided? How do we respond to a consumer complaint received via social media?
  • FedNow 101: What To Know About FedNow, Sept. 5, webinar — Discover how this service is transforming the banking industry with immediate funds transfers and 24/7 accessibility, and learn about its implications for the future of payments.
  • Writing Effective SAR Narratives, Sept. 6, webinar — This session will discuss the importance of the SAR narrative and how to write narratives that tell the story in an efficient and effective way.
  • Supervisor Bootcamp, Sept. 6-Tulsa; Sept. 7-Oklahoma City — Whether you are new or seasoned supervisors, attendees find this supervisor training invigorating, motivating and applicable to managing and supervising others. You will learn how to manage crucial conversations and challenging situations. You will practice a coaching approach that encourages your staff to be engaged and accountable.
  • Handling ACH Exceptions, Sept. 7, webinar — Many exceptions are rare, and you may find yourself second guessing what you should do. Gain a better understanding of exception processing from returns to notifications, of changes to DNE and more.
  • 2023 FORVIS/OBA Symposium, Sept. 21, Oklahoma City — The objective of this symposium is to provide an update on the merger and acquisition landscape, economic outlook, regulatory update, judicial decisions and fraud events.

Finally, just a quick note to mark your calendars as the OBA Convention and OBA Senior Management dates and location have already been set for next year! The 2024 OBA Convention will be held May 13-15 at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City. Meanwhile, the 2024 OBA Senior Management Conference will be held on April 7-9 at the Waldorf Astoria in Las Vegas. More details will be available in the coming months, but go ahead and get those notes on your calendar today!

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