Week of June 20

In This Issue…

Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers

The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 26-28 and the hotel will be the Waldorf Astoria.

Besides all the usual – and incredibly useful – meetings with the movers and shakers on Capitol Hill, we will host an “OBA Sports Night” at Walters Sports Bar on the Monday night of the visit, allowing everyone to decompress, enjoy a casual evening and compare notes.

Registration information should be hitting your bank shortly, but you can also download the registration and information form, and get more info on the hotel, by clicking here (.pdf). Click here to access the hotel reservation link.

If you have any questions, contact Adrian Beverage or Megan McGuire at the OBA.

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Training opportunity for lienholders this week

Effective July 1, Oklahoma will become a title-holding state. The Oklahoma Tax Commission has scheduled two more  training calls for lienholders on the new rules and regulations, with one scheduled Wednesday.

June 22, 2022 at 10 a.m. Click here to join the June 22, 2022 10 a.m. meeting
June 24, 2022 at 10 a.m. Click here to join the June 24, 2022 10 a.m. meeting

You can also RSVP to a Teams call by emailing Sherry Beaird at sherry.beaird@tax.ok.gov with the session you would like to attend.

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OBA Emerging Leaders Academy now accepting applications

Take note the OBA 2022-23 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications.

We’re looking for the best and brightest bankers who seek to sharpen their leadership skills. The Academy will help you reach new heights with powerful speakers offering information leaders need for effectively maneuvering in today’s business climate. Each session helps participants become true leaders by understanding those around you through non-traditional methods.

The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy (maximum 30 bankers). Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program.

There are six sessions to the Academy: Nov. 9, Dec. 8, Jan. 27, Feb. 22, March 24, April 28. Graduation will take place in May 2023 at the OBA Annual Convention.

Click here to apply! Also, for more information, please contact Megan McGuire at (405) 424-5252 or megan@oba.com.

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OBA education corner …

Well, that escalated quickly! The temperature, to be specific. Summer may not be OFFICIALLY here, but c’mon man, it’s here. Stay inside where it’s cool, and take advantage of our webinar opportunities during the summer – check out the events below!

  • Treasury Management: A Powerful Tool to Increase Deposits and Fee Income, June 23, webinar — You will walk away from this course with a deeper knowledge of treasury management, learn to conduct risk assessments on new products and learn strategies to increase core deposits.
  • New Flood Insurance Q&As, June 29, webinar — Nearly 150 flood insurance questions and answers were finalized on May 11. Some are new, some were reworded and some provide more clarity than we had before.
  • 2022 OBA Compliance School, Aug. 22-26, Oklahoma City — The school is designed to provide an extensive body of knowledge and information on consumer compliance that can contribute to the development of compliance officers and to their associated functions, both of which have become an integral and essential part of our evolutionary banking industry.

Also, take note of The Conference for Bank & Credit Union Trainers, which will be held in Dallas on Sept. 26-28. This annual educational event brings together hundreds of training professionals, representing financial institutions from across the country and beyond. Click here for more information!

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