Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Oklahoma Banker

July 2019

  • July 12, 2019

    Report: Credit unions fail serving ‘modest means’

    Late last month, a study by Karen Shaw Petrou from Federal Financial Analytics found credit unions are not meeting their statutory mission of serving individuals of “modest means.” The study also confirmed that credit union members are disproportionately from middle- and upper-income households. The report also notes that credit unions’ lack of “mission compliance” deepens economic inequality in the United …

  • July 12, 2019

    OBA Emerging Leaders Academy taking applications for 2019-20

    Take note the OBA 2019-20 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications. The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy. Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program. There are …

  • July 12, 2019

    Washington Visit set for September

    The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 15-17, 2019, and the hotel will be the Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. Additionally, NEW this year, we are offering an offsite excursion to Mount Vernon that will include transportation, private tour (of the historic area, mansion & tomb), lunch and free time to explore the grounds. Registration information should …

June 2019

  • June 11, 2019

    Executive News: D-Day, lessons learned

    This month marks the 75th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion by Allied forces during the Second World War. Led by American and British troops, it was and remains the largest invasion by air, land and sea in history. More than 5,000 ships, 11,000 airplanes and 150,000 soldiers from the United States, Britain and Canada stormed the Nazi-occupied French beaches of …

  • June 11, 2019

    SAFE Banking Act scored positively by Budget Office

    Late last month, the Congressional Budget Office released its cost estimate for H.R. 1595, the SAFE Banking Act, to enable banks and credit unions to serve legitimate cannabis businesses in Oklahoma and 32 other states that have legalized the use of marijuana for either medical or recreational use. According to the CBO, this bill, which is strongly supported by the …

May 2019

  • May 12, 2019

    Executive News: What’s next?

    At some point recently, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What’s next for banking?” I know I’ve asked that question many times as the run-up to the 2020 elections gets more crowded. The political turmoil coming out of Washington dominates the daily headlines and makes up most of the lead stories on the evening n ews. But one thing I have noticed …

  • May 12, 2019

    Bankers Hall of Fame accepting nominations

    Nominations for induction into the Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame are now being taken and may be made by any bank employee of an OBA-member bank. The Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame has been created by the OBA Board of Directors to honor individual bankers for their contributions to the banking industry and the State of Oklahoma. In addition, the …

April 2019

  • April 10, 2019

    Executive News: Frustrated

    Earlier this month, some 20 Oklahoma bankers joined me at the ABA Summit in Washington. This year’s summit was the largest Summit ever for ABA – more than 1,300 bankers and state association folks gathered to discuss some of the pressing issues of the day. We heard from the chairpersons of the respective committees that have jurisdiction over your business …

  • April 10, 2019

    Real time payments: Does Fed have a role?

    As technological advancements have been introduced into the mainstream of commerce, more and more consumers are asking for development of a faster payments system, one that responds in “real time.” It’s the new norm of consumer expectations and bankers across the country are engaging with each other to determine the best course of action. Today there is only one provider …

  • April 10, 2019

    OBA Convention set for next month in Edmond

    One of the soldiers responsible for the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, as well as a noted entrepreneur, businessman and CEO are slated as bookend keynote speakers at this year’s OBA Convention and Trade Show. The 2019 OBA Convention and Trade Show will feature former U.S. Army Delta Force member Eric Maddox as the opening keynote speaker, and Clifton …