Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Oklahoma Banker

October 2019

  • October 27, 2019

    Executive News: Onward to Senate

    In spite of all of the impeachment noise late last month, the industry was successful in obtaining passage of the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act (the SAFE Act) by a strong bipartisan vote: 323-101. While far from perfect, the SAFE Act is at least a step in the right direction for the industry. While I would have preferred different …

  • October 27, 2019

    Hall of Fame inductees unveiled

    The OBA is proud to announce the group of inductees for the Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame, with the ceremony set for Dec. 5 in Oklahoma City. John V. Anderson, with F&M Bank in Crescent; Mick Thompson, with the Oklahoma State Banking Department; Clark and Wanda Bass, with First National Bank & Trust Co., in McAlester; and Morrison Tucker, a …

  • October 27, 2019

    New language in Act seeks parity for banks, credit union

    Section 2821 of the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2020 fiscal year includes a significant change that means a more-level playing field between banks and credit unions located on military installations. The issue has to do with how banks are now required to compete with credit unions on military bases and posts beyond their tax-exempt status. Credit unions currently …

September 2019

  • September 22, 2019

    Executive News: Your bank’s future depends on FinTech?

    I recently read an article in the American Banker about traditional community banks and their need for FinTech firms. The headline, “Traditional Banks Continue to Flirt with Obsolescence,” got my attention and, after reading what I thought was a sales pitch, I began to think about what he said or was trying to say. Robertson is the founder and CEO …

  • September 22, 2019

    Second quarter industry numbers released by FDIC

    Although all FDIC-insured institutions reported net income of $62.6 billion at the end of the second quarter, Oklahoma banks were off by almost 4 percent when compared to the industry’s 2018 earnings at this same point. “The drop in income conforms to the earlier trends we’ve seen,” OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage said. “What’s interesting is that assets rose …

August 2019

  • August 22, 2019

    Executive News: Some thoughts on Fed’s proposed RTP system

    Every August, like clockwork, Congress goes home for five weeks to campaign, travel their district or the state, read, do interviews – something other than doing the work of the people. A lot of folks think this is a good thing because it holds any action they might take in abeyance in terms of trying to make news or otherwise …

  • August 22, 2019

    Hall of Fame ballots hitting banks this month

    Ballots for the 2019 Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame induction class will be mailed mid-August. An identical group of five ballots is being sent to every president/CEO of each bank in the state. We’re leaving it to the discretion of the presidents/CEOs to distribute these ballots how they see fit among their banks’ respective staffs. Each ballot will be counted …

  • August 22, 2019

    Bankers’ Night Out programs set to begin in late September

    The dates for the OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs have been finalized. Mark your calendar for the date of the program that’s in your area of the state and plan to attend. Bring your coworkers with you so that everyone can be up-to-speed on the most recent developments affecting their job. In addition to state and federal legislative updates, the …

  • August 22, 2019

    Fed announces plans for future RTP system

    The OBA has been at the forefront of a nationwide effort to encourage the Fed to decide whether it would develop its version of a real-time payments in the U.S. We’ve made the position known since last year and, like our colleagues, we believe every bank in the country and their customers will benefit from a seamless, ubiquitous real-time payments …

July 2019

  • July 12, 2019

    Executive News: This guy was a great one!

    I’ve never written my column like this before. I’ve never commented in this space about a former OBA chairman who has passed away, and there have been a few. I should have. I should have paid proper tribute to these outstanding leaders. Over the past 31 years, there have been several who have passed on to better things and a …