Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Oklahoma Banker

April 2021

  • April 17, 2021

    Executive News: Happy trails … and other news

    Here’s some news before I get personal. Congress is in recess as this issue of our newspaper goes to press. The president has signed into law the new PPP Extension Act – H.R. 1799 – which extends the program through May 31 of this year, yet the details of how the PPP is working (or not) are still anyone’s guess. …

  • April 17, 2021

    Association Leader

    (Editor’s note: The following story ran in its orginal form in the May 2015 issue of Oklahoma Banker.) By Jeremy Cowen Senior Vice President/Communications Editor Like the mythical phoenix, Roger Beverage’s undying love and respect for community banks and bankers rose from ashes … the figurative ashes many years ago of a bank he himself was forced to close. They …

  • April 17, 2021

    OBA Convention set for May in Oklahoma City

    The Oklahoma Bankers Association 2021 Convention is set for May 24-26 in Oklahoma City, with the brand-new Omni Hotel as the host locale. This year’s convention will be slightly different than previous years as, after the cancellation of the 2020 Convention, several events will be packed into the schedule and there will be no keynote speaker to begin and end …

March 2021

  • March 18, 2021

    Executive News: PPP- new nightmare on main street

    Enough about the 2020 Presidential election and its aftermath. But it’s worth noting there’s a reason people are concerned about the “elections have consequences” part. I mentioned in this column or in another opinion piece a few weeks back that the dynamics of the Paycheck Protection Program would be much different going forward. They are, unfortunately, and they are leaving …

  • March 18, 2021

    Diversity, equity, inclusion buzz around FDIC

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has released the agency’s latest strategic plan to incorporate and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in every aspect of its mission and operations. Internally, the FDIC’s plan continues to integrate the core principles of DEI into the agencies hiring, training and career development programs. Externally, the plan will improve these principles in the agency’s …

February 2021

  • February 10, 2021

    Executive News: Well, it’s Groundhog Day … again

    Have you ever been to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania? Yeah, me either. But I know what the town is all about: Groundhog Day! It’s a cultural superstition brought to this country by early Dutch settlers long ago. Nasty little critters, groundhogs are, I’m told by my Pennsylvania friends. The idea is the desi gnated groundhog for the day is roused from his …

  • February 10, 2021

    Vaccine PSAs available for banks

    The Oklahoma Bankers Association has created COVID-19 vaccine-related public service announcements for its member banks, both in advertising form as well as in story form, ready for display at the bank or for insertions into local newspapers. These free ads and stories, themed as “Nothing’s Safer Than Money In The Bank … Except For The COVID-19 Vaccine”, echo the Association’s …

  • February 10, 2021

    Oklahoma banks post big numbers in latest PPP round

    Since the Paycheck Protection Program reopened last month for the third round, Oklahoma banks have made the majority of more than 27,000 loans worth more than $1.3 billion in the state thus far. These numbers represent the 8th and 18th most, respectively, among all the states.Nationally, 891,044 loans have been made to date in round three, totaling nearly $73 billion, …

January 2021

  • January 11, 2021

    Executive News: Well … now what?

    The result of the presidential election a couple of months ago has now been certified by the U.S. Senate, Vice President Mike Pence presiding. Joe Biden is now, officially, the president-elect. But it didn’t come easy. As every banker and probably e very bank customer knows by now, our nation withstood an assault on the sacred grounds of the U.S. …

  • January 11, 2021

    Adrian Beverage named successor to OBA president/CEO

    The Oklahoma Bankers Association announced Thursday that, after a nationwide executive search, Adrian Beverage has been chosen as its next president and CEO, effective May 1, 2021. “With our partners at Schnake Turnbo Frank, our 10-member succession committee conducted an objective, dynamic process to select the next president and CEO of the OBA,” said Rick Walker, chairman of the OBA …