Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Country Club Bank Capital Markets Group

FROM ONE COMMUNITY BANK TO ANOTHER, Country Club Bank Capital Markets Group has assisted community banks since 1985. The Capital Markets Group is comprised of seasoned professionals who are recognized in the industry for their expertise, integrity and service. We specialize in assisting community banks build high-grade bond portfolios that reflect specific market expectations, product preferences and income goals while meeting your overall risk parameters. Our goal is to offer sound investment strategies and products, taking into consideration your banks unique situation and objectives.


Main Office: 9400 Mission Road
Leawood, KS 66206
Phone: (800) 288-1956
Managing Director: Scott Carrithers – scarrithers@countryclubbank.com

Edmond Office:
Brian Schaff – bschaff@countryclubbank.com
Candice Culhane – cculhane@countryclubbank.com
Website: www.ccbcm.com