Tuesday, February 11, 2025

First Bankers’ Banc Securities, Inc.

First Bankers’ Banc Securities, Inc. (FBBS) is a full service brokerage firm dedicated to serving the investment needs of the banking community. Our reputation for quality investment counseling has made us one of the top choices among community banks throughout the Midwest.


Main Office:
A.W. Spellmeyer
1714 Deer Tracks Trail, Suite 110
St. Louis, Mo. 63131
Email: awspellmeyer@FBBSinc.com

Overland Park Office:
6800 College Blvd., Suite 420
Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone: (913) 928-6161 Fax: (913) 469-5404
Contact: Greg Bernard
Email:  gbernard@FBBSinc.com
Toll-Free: 877-217-0204
Website: www.FBBSinc.com